Survey Liaison Group

 Our aims

  • To provide transparency as to what the three different organisations are doing to ensure we were not overlapping, duplicating or carry out conflicting activities
  • To endorse each other’s documents where relevant
  • To work together on events such as exhibitions and/or conferences
  • To collaborate on endorsing survey education and training courses
  • To collaborate on survey profession training and education activities.

Recent work

The SLG has achieved many things over the years such as endorsement of each other’s guidance notes and client guides – this was the ethos behind the group originally to avoid duplication of effort in the survey profession. Cooperation is vital within such a small work sector and the most successful example of the cooperation has been the collaboration over the GEO Business Show since 2014.   The SLG also recently met with representatives from the Geospatial Commission and continues to support initiatives to promote surveying as a career.

Please contact us

If there are any issues that are affecting your organisation that you believe the SLG could help with, please let us know. You can contact us at