MBS Survey Software Ltd

MBS are an independent surveying software company owned and managed by survey professionals. The software solutions we offer have therefore been developed by people who fully understand all the practical problems associated with spatial data collection.

MBS Floor Plans allows for real time graphical capture of all the elements required for the production of scale drawings of floor plans. By running on Windows tablet PCs, the surveyor can input spatial data directly from a Total Station, a hand held laser measuring device or a steel tape. The software integrates fully with the Bluetooth-enabled Leica Disto, providing a truly wireless process of site data capture to be undertaken considerably quicker and with a higher degree of accuracy than that offered by traditional methods.

MBS Elevations enables the surveyor to survey building elevations with a reflectorless Total Station and view the resultant elevation graphically as it is being measured. The surveyor can immediately check the accuracy and ensure all important detail has been measured. The subsequent CAD processing time back in the office has therefore been substantially reduced.

Both of the above products are supported by a suite of office tools which run within the AutoCAD environment, further increasing productivity and consistency for the Measured Building Surveyor.

MBS Waldram Tools, is a specific suite of tools designed to deal with the common daylight/sunlight issues highlighted as part of the planning process and the less common issues surrounding Rights of Light. The suite runs within the AutoCAD environment and can compare existing models with proposed developments in order to analyse the impact the new proposal will have on surrounding buildings.

MBS Daylight Plugin for Sketchup is simply a VSC (Vertical Sky Component) calculator with the added advantage of producing a waldram diagram for every window location. It is designed as an early indicator of the impact of a scheme on surrounding properties at the concept / feasibility stage. Thus saving hours of abortive design work by Architects.

MBS RXS Tools is a 3D modelling application for the processing on river channel surveys. Written within AutoCAD, this suite of tools enables processing, manipulation, editing and presenting of data usually required for inshore hydrographic surveys, with all major hydrographic exports supported.

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Chequers Yard
High Street
BN44 3RE


VS420 Vox Studios, The Old Marmite Factory, 1-45 Durham Street, London SE11 5JH

Tel: 07801 317930


David Maltby