Why use a TSA member?

Your confidence:

Before a member is admitted they are visited and scrutinised by TSA’s Secretary General to ensure their premises, people, systems, procedures, health and safety and quality is up to the required standard. Work samples are also scrutinised by members of TSA Council who are themselves actively engaged in practising survey companies.

TSA therefore expects every member to meet its very high standards and maintain this throughout membership to give you confidence in the survey product or advice you purchase. In the unlikely event a client feels let down there is a TSA complaints procedure. There is also a client satisfaction questionnaire available on this site.

Your requirements:

Using TSA’s website you can find member companies close to your base for ease of meetings and briefings or close to your site which may provide other efficiencies. We have over 190 member companies, covering all kinds of survey disciplines.

Our confidence:

Most member companies include well qualified professionals who can work alongside you to help your project run smoothly. TSA runs its own modular training course aimed at improving the skills and knowledge of practising surveyors. It provides free seminars to improve business skills, arranges industry discussion days twice a year to look at new and emerging technologies and issues affecting the survey industry, supports supplier events such as manufacturer roadshows and sponsors industry exhibitions.

There are supplier members of TSA who will readily offer advice on specific technologies if you have particular requirements. In 2008 TSA introduced a voluntary scheme for Full and Associate members aimed at encouraging members to continue to educate and develop both their staff and their organisation. The scheme is called CCD (Continuing Company Development) and those companies that take part in the scheme are identified on the membership listing.