Kullasoft Ltd

Kullasoft is the company behind SurvAid, which provides end-to-end management of site data for surveyors at www.survaid.io

Mobile apps replace paper based data collection on-site, and the information gets uploaded to the cloud where it’s accessed via web browser to be viewed, edited and easily converted into client deliverables.

For utility surveyors and PAS128 practitioners there’s the Manhole Inspection app. Rather than recording the details of lifted manholes on paper forms, surveyors can use mobile devices to capture all the relevant data, take photos and quickly create chamber sketches with drag n drop components.

This standardised data is then available immediately to anyone who needs it and can be reviewed and organised via the SurvAid web portal. Survey grade coordinates can be imported via CSV file when available, and once the cover levels are present all invert levels get automatically be calculated.

Having the information in a structured form then opens up all sorts of possibilities when it comes to deliverables. At present PDF manhole cards can be generated at the click of a mouse and CSV files produced for importing the data into other systems such as CAD/GIS, but there are other developments underway in this area so watch this space!

For surveyors who install control for Network Rail, the Environment Agency or any other clients that require witness diagrams we have the PGM Manager app. Similar to Manhole Inspection, the mobile app has all the relevant fields for upload to the web where the required PDF templates are built in to the system. We’re even mentioned in the Network Rail standard for installing PGMs.

It only takes a couple of minutes to get set up, and there’s a free trial so head on over to www.survaid.io to have a play around. There’s enough out of the box to get you up and running straight away, but if you decide you’d like to tailor things a bit more to your particular workflow then it’s possible to make custom apps and templates to your specification.

Although we’ve come this far, we feel like we’re just getting started. We’d like to speak to as many people in the industry as possible so if you’re interested in being a beta tester, have an idea for an app or would just like to find out more about what we do and the possibilities that are out there, please do get in touch. We’d love to hear from you!


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0330 606 2653


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ISO27001 (best practices in data security)


Indra House
Main Street
YO62 7RX


Jimmy Pewtress